Brittney Taylor

Brittney Taylor

Health and Fitness Coach

So you’ve signed up with a trainer for doing a thirty day program and you’ve been consistent for a while. Then…the program is over or life happens. Now, you’re back to square one. I’ve been there. That’s actually how I ended up here. At 31 years old, I was over the “off and on”, “stop and start” fitness routine. Now at 33, I have learned that health and fitness isn’t a routine at all. It’s actually a journey with peaks and valleys. A journey where if I wasn’t committed to myself, it didn’t matter who was committed to me. In more relatable terms as Jerry Maguire would say, “help me help you”. When it comes to health and fitness, I believe in sustainability over all else! As your health coach, I want to help you bridge the gap between your ideal self and who you are now. As your nutritionist, I want to help you understand the importance of food better. Not just what not to eat, but what to eat instead and WHY. As your personal trainer, I want to help you build the self confidence and knowledge you need to change the mindset from this just being a quick fix. There is no such thing as a permanent quick fix. It’s a lifestyle. Welcome to the WYLL: The Way you live life!

Brittney Taylor